Our School Day
8.40am – Doors open for school to begin, this is one of the best parts of the school day because all of the teaching assistants are busy listening to us read as we come into our classrooms.
Our school day starts promptly at 8.45am
Top tip - It’s also a brilliant time to ask your class teacher about anything you are stuck on from the day before.
9.00am – Everyone is sitting down by this point and ready to learn – we start every day with math’s warm ups; these can include times table songs, Rockstar maths challenges, 5 a day calculations, maths puzzles and more. This then leads into a maths lesson, don’t forget your P.E. kit though, as once a week we do active maths at St Richard. Thanks Mrs Orlowska, we love it!
10.00am – This varies each day, but generally we have guided reading lessons at 10am, or sometimes we have an R.E. lesson. We’re pretty lucky at St Richard’s because not many schools do R.E. and it’s a chance to not only learn about cool, interesting stories from the bible, but also a chance to be really creative with your writing and art work.
10.45am – So you’ve survived until break time, well done. There are two playgrounds at our school one for Foundation Stage and KS1 and one for KS2.
11.00am – Break time is over, but only 1 hour to go until lunch. Everyday we spend this time becoming wicked writers. Miss Ransley loves to see everyone’s neat handwriting and creative ideas. At St Richard’s we follow a programme called Talk for Writing – we quite like it because it helps us to remember loads of new stories without feeling nervous or worried that we’ll forget them because our teachers create story maps that will always be there to help us. We then use these stories to make our own.
12.00pm – Lunchtimes at St Richard’s are fun, safe and enjoyable. Miss Hunt has set up loads of clubs for us to enjoy at lunch times. These are just a few of them: football Y2-Y6, dodgeball Y3-Y6, table tennis Y5-Y6, drumming club Y3-Y6, choir Y2-Y6, Hymers King’s mentoring KS1, playmakers all children, colouring club Y1-6 and reading club Y1-Y6.
School ends at 3.15pm. This amounts to 32.5 hours in a typical week.

12:55pm – After lunch we normally have an Act of Worship, sometimes this is in the hall with the whole school, or in your classroom with just your class. We really like this time as it’s often a time to reflect on the week you’re having and think about how we can make next week even better. It’s also a time for singing together, or learning new things. A St Richard’s favourite is ‘We’re going to the city!’
1:30pm – The afternoon really begins here. At St Richard’s our afternoons are jam packed full of topic lessons, PE lessons, music and more. We change topics every term and our teachers always begin them with a ‘wow moment’ and end them with a ‘showcase.’ We can’t wait for next terms topics!
Top tip: If you want to do any extra topic work at home your teacher will always be happy to see it. It might even make the topic display.
3pm – So you’re doing well and its almost time for home. This is the quietest part of a day at St Richard’s and a time when our teachers read stories to us. The stories change each year so you’ll never get bored, I wonder where our next adventure will take us? Will we visit Diagon Alley or perhaps Hundred Acre Wood, who knows? You could even let your teacher know your favourite story and they may share it with everyone.
3:15pm – Schools out! Well, at least until tomorrow