Mini Vinnie’s

Our Mini Vinnies help to lead their peers in supporting the charitable life of our school. Following in the footsteps of St Vincent de Paul, the children look for opportunities to put concern into action by promoting weekly ‘Acts of Kindness’ linked to the Gospel, and planning & leading fundraising activities to help those in need
On 17th November, our Mini Vinnies joined other teams from across the trust to share in a ‘Formation Day’. This provided them with a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the role of Mini Vinnies in our schools. They learnt about the lives of St. Vincent de Paul, Rosalie Rendu and Frederic Ozanam. Then, using prayer, scripture, song and games, explored how ‘kindness is the key to hearts’.
Part of the Role of our Mini-Vinnies is to lead the school in caring for our common home as Pope Francis tells us to in his letter, “Laudato Si”. This involves working to improve our school’s impact on the planet through simple acts such as reminding our friends and teachers to switch off lights and electrical appliances, finding ways to reduce our use and wastage of paper and finding other ways to only use what we need. This considerate group are also working towards attaining the “live simply” award for the school this year.